My very first show upon moving to Colorado back in 2018. So welcomingly received
Healing Energy
REIKI Sessions'
feeling better
and more relaxed
are just some
of the outcomes
from welcoming
the gentle art
of Reiki into your life;
at any age,
in any state of health,
this channeling
of universal energy
into your body
has shown proven results.

Be it known that finally, here and now early in 2023, following many lengthy meditations on this matter year after year, the Spiritual Consciousness of the Reiki Source has offered assurances that, because of my longevity within the Reiki Community, and as an Aphantasian Artist holding the highest respect and regard for use of same,
my intentional application of Reiki symbols within ONE LOVE ENERGY's energized artwork does not defy, nor violate, the covenant and sacred trust inherent in their existence. Said designs serve as a broader means
of utilizing the symbols' functional ability in the same way that today’s distance healing has evolved
into online internet usage thus expanding the reach of Reiki’s benefits.

My Teacher,
William Lee Rand,
April 2016

An energized
w/William Lee Rand,
April 2024

An energized Reiki MASTER Class,
w/William Lee Rand,
April 2016
Each client's reiki session
is subject to that individual's own personality, mindset and interpretations.
The experience does not constitute
legal, psychological, medical, business or financial advice.
The client receiving the session is responsible for their own decisions.